• +255767295345

Tarangire National Park

A sense of calmness overcomes you almost from the moment you enter in Tarangire National Park, attractive open spaces, strewn with baobab and acacia trees, set against the breathtaking views of the Maasai Steppe and the southern mountains. It is the greatest concentration of wildlife outside the Serengeti, and your game-viewing experience will be one-of-a-kind.

Wildlife in Tarangire National Park

Before the rains, crowds of Gazelles, Wildebeests, Zebras, Giraffes, Impala, and Buffalo migrate to Tarangire National Park’s scrub plains to graze and drink from the shrinking lagoons, and it also boasts one of the highest population densities of Elephants in entire Tanzania.

When the rains come, the migratory visitors scatter more widely, but herds of up to 300 Elephants are hard to miss in any season! Looking closely into the trees you might spot a Python, or even a lion or Leopard lounging in the branches.

The green-tinged swamps are home to 550 bird varieties: the most breeding species in a single habitat anywhere in the world. On drier ground, you can also see the Kori bustard (Africa’s heaviest flying bird) and the stocking-thighed Ostrich (the world’s largest bird).

Location: 118 km (75 miles) southwest of Arusha.

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    • Arusha Tanzania
    • P.O.Box 1100
    • Mobile: +255767295345
    • RSV: Mobile: +255693073380
    • (+255767295345)