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Frequently asked questions about wildlife Safaris in Tanzania

Did you know that there are some questions you need to ask your Safari guide? If you count the number of tourists that visit Tanzania, a great number of them specifically visit for wildlife. Wildlife Safaris offer the best insights into the wild animals in Tanzania. When you come for a wildlife tour in Tanzania, there is always so much to expect depending on your itinerary. If you are interested in getting the best out of your tour, there are certain preparations that you should consider-you have to ensure that you know what you want; and you should be in position to choose the best holiday that shall cater for your goals and budget. As part of ensuring that you get the best service, you should be in position to ask several questions to your tour guide in order to make the best decision about your trip. There are many questions for you to ask and some of them include:

What are some of the expectations?

In most cases, you don’t even need to ask this question to your Safari operator because it is well answered in your itinerary. When you read your Kenya or Tanzania Safari itinerary very careful, the itinerary shall detail every little aspect of your Holiday from start to finish. This is where you find that answer of what to expect.

The reason for you to know your expectations is to ensure that the expectations line up with travel goals and ambitions. In case you feel that after reading through a particular tour itinerary and no travel ambitions have been satisfied; switch to another tour itinerary. Ensure that you expectations don’t go beyond your budget. They should be affordable and easily catered for by your budget.

How much do I have to pay for a wildlife Safari?

It is good to understand that the tour prices are not uniform. The cost of Safari varies differently. The costs depend on period of travel, length of safari , number of travelers, type of transport and type of accommodation required.

Depending on your budget, you will get a Tanzania customized safari that will put all the above factors into consideration to give you a perfect travel package that will suit all your needs.

Which is the best national park to visit during my wildlife tour?

Our first question would be what are your interests. Depending on your answer then we shall be able to advice which would be the prefect destinations to visit so that you can fulfill your wish.

If you wish to come for a migration wildlife safari, we surely will recommend the parks in the northern circuit which will give you the perfect migration safari in Tanzania. If you wish for the serene untouched and quiet areas, the south Tanzania is the way to go. Different park have specific attractions and knowing your interests helps you understand the bests parks to include in your itinerary. For example the wildebeests calving in Serengeti which happens in early Jan -March in the ndutu plains.

Choose the best safari in Tanzania by booking your tours with us. We shall offer you the best expert advise on a safari package that will remain memorable for a long time.

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